How Summer Affects Your Roof

May 16, 2024
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Summer weather brings more than just warmth and sunshine; it can significantly impact the integrity and lifespan of your roof. At Enterprise Roofing, we understand the challenges that roofing materials face during the hot months, especially in the Dayton, Ohio area. Here’s how the summer season affects your roof and what you can do to protect it.

The Impact of UV Radiation and Heat

During summer, the combination of UV radiation and high temperatures can cause considerable damage to roofing materials, especially on improperly ventilated roofs. UV rays can deteriorate asphalt shingles, causing them to become brittle and crack over time​. Dark-colored roofing materials absorb more heat, which can lead to temperatures on your roof far exceeding the ambient outdoor temperature​. This not only accelerates the aging process of your roof but can also increase cooling costs as your home absorbs more heat.

Thermal Shock

Thermal shock occurs due to the drastic temperature fluctuations between the daytime heat and cooler nights. This constant expansion and contraction can weaken your roof’s structural integrity, leading to potential cracks and damage over time.

Humidity and Moisture

High humidity levels during the summer can also pose a risk to your roof. Moisture can seep into cracks and crevices, leading to mold and mildew growth. Additionally, if not properly ventilated, attics can trap this moist air and further exacerbate roof degradation.

Preventive Measures and Maintenance

To mitigate these effects, it’s crucial to take preventive measures. Installing lighter-colored roofing materials can reflect rather than absorb heat, significantly reducing the temperature of your roof. Proper attic ventilation is also essential to regulate temperature and prevent moisture buildup​.

Regular inspections and ventilation analysis are a key part of maintaining the health of your roof. Enterprise Roofing offers expert services to assess and address any potential issues before they become major problems. We recommend scheduling a professional roof inspection at least once a year, ideally before the summer heat peaks.

Protecting your roof from summer conditions is vital to extending its lifespan and maintaining your home’s safety and comfort. By understanding the specific challenges posed by summer weather and taking appropriate actions, you can ensure your roof remains in excellent condition.

For professional roofing services in the Dayton, Ohio area, contact Enterprise Roofing today. We are here to help you keep your roof in top condition, providing peace of mind all year round.





We've been " I've been an Enterprise Roofing client for several years. They've always been very responsive with very good pricing. Great workmanship with attention to detail. Site cleanup is excellent, including sweeping the worksite for any missed nails. Followup by reps is included and appreciated. " helping homes like yours for decades and provide " They did a great job on fixing our roof after it took some storm damage. They were out there within a day of me calling. Micah and his team were friendly, professional, and very reliable. The entire process was stress-free. " our customers unsurpassed craftsmanship with " Have been a client for many years. Experts in slate roofs. Very easy to communicate with. Have worked with James many times. Highly recommend this company! " every job.

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" I've been an Enterprise Roofing client for several years. They've always been very responsive with very good pricing. Great workmanship with attention to detail. Site cleanup is excellent, including sweeping the worksite for any missed nails. Followup by reps is included and appreciated. "
Paul R. Simmons
" They did a great job on fixing out roof after it took some storm damage. They were out there within a day of me calling. Micah and his team were friendly, professional, and very reliable. The entire process was stress-free. "
Raichel Jenkins
" Have been a client for many years. Experts in slate roofs. Very easy to communicate with. Have worked with James many times. Highly recommend this company!! "
Wayarne Harlan