Get Your Roof Ready For Spring

February 27, 2019
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Spring Cleaning Starts From the Outside

Spring cleaning is a must for many households; the process opens up the home from the shuttered, heavy days of winter and gives a fresh start, just in time for the new season. While this process benefits the inside of your home, the outside could use some attention too. Take some time this year to prepare your roof for spring and ensure your entire home is ready from the ground up.

Inspect for Winter Damage

A visual inspection from the ground is likely enough to spot typical signs of trouble. Snow, ice and cold winds take a toll on your roof and gutters. There’s no need to climb up to take a peek, but if you see damaged or missing shingles when you look up from your lawn or driveway, it is time to give us a call. The inside of your home or attic can also let you know how healthy your roof is — wet spots or damp areas on the ceiling or in the attic mean you have some water coming in somewhere and that your roof should be seen.

Clear the Gutters

All those fall leaves had to go somewhere.Sticks, acorns and all matter of debris could have lodged in your gutters during winter storms. It is tough to tell when your roof is wet or covered in snow and ice, but once things thaw out, your gutters should be clean and clear. Take a look at your gutters yourself if you can do so safely or have a roofing expert take a look to make sure there is no vegetation building up. Leaving debris in place could lead to roof damage. If you can safely and easily do so, remove any debris to get this portion of your roof ready for spring.

Look Around

If you see more than one or two neighbors getting roof repair, it might be time to have your own roof inspected. Homes built at the same time often begin to experience roofing issues at the same time. If your neighbors are experiencing roof trouble, your home could be prone to it as well. If your roof has not been inspected in years, it may be time to have a professional take a look. You’ll either get peace of mind that all is well — or discover problems early, lowering your repair costs and preventing damage to your home.

Get your roof ready for spring alongside the rest of your home and you’ll be able to focus on spending time with family and friends during the warmest months of the year, instead of worrying and wondering about this essential part of your home. Not sure if your roof is OK? We can help; contact us for a comprehensive roof inspection and checkup — or if you do discover signs of a problem, we’re here to help.





We've been " I've been an Enterprise Roofing client for several years. They've always been very responsive with very good pricing. Great workmanship with attention to detail. Site cleanup is excellent, including sweeping the worksite for any missed nails. Followup by reps is included and appreciated. " helping homes like yours for decades and provide " They did a great job on fixing our roof after it took some storm damage. They were out there within a day of me calling. Micah and his team were friendly, professional, and very reliable. The entire process was stress-free. " our customers unsurpassed craftsmanship with " Have been a client for many years. Experts in slate roofs. Very easy to communicate with. Have worked with James many times. Highly recommend this company! " every job.

Click a customer above to see why we are Dayton's mist trusted roofing company.
" I've been an Enterprise Roofing client for several years. They've always been very responsive with very good pricing. Great workmanship with attention to detail. Site cleanup is excellent, including sweeping the worksite for any missed nails. Followup by reps is included and appreciated. "
Paul R. Simmons
" They did a great job on fixing out roof after it took some storm damage. They were out there within a day of me calling. Micah and his team were friendly, professional, and very reliable. The entire process was stress-free. "
Raichel Jenkins
" Have been a client for many years. Experts in slate roofs. Very easy to communicate with. Have worked with James many times. Highly recommend this company!! "
Wayarne Harlan