Fall Home Maintenance Guide

October 28, 2019
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Take these essential steps to prepare your house or business for warm and cozy holiday cheer.

Autumn is the season for friends and family to gather at home, and for people to head to their favorite restaurant, shop, church or business. During this season of bonfires, trick-or-treating, school breaks and holidays, make sure people are safe at your home or business so you can focus on accommodating company and inspiring good cheer. Follow our fall maintenance guide to ensure your building is ready for the winter.

Remove Leaves from Gutters and Downspouts

Fall is the ideal time to clean your roof and identify areas for repair. Extreme winter weather conditions cause materials to deteriorate and weaken over time if they’re not properly maintained. When preparing for winter, schedule an appointment with your roofing contractor to repair and clean rain gutters. Regular repairs will improve the appearance of your home, maintaining the quality of your gutters and reduce the risk of leaks caused by rainwater, debris and ice dams.

Beware of the Danger Zone

The area directly above or next to your roof should be kept clear of all tree branches and plant growth. This space is called the danger zone, and clearing this zone of potential hazards can keep your roof safer. If you live in an area where it snows, your roof should be built to withstand heavy snowfall, hail and ice over the years. However, a tree branch in the danger zone spilling hundreds of pounds of snow at once is a bit more drastic. A good rule of thumb is to ask your landscaper or landlord to keep branches out of the danger zone of your home throughout all seasons.

Annual Inspections: Heating System and Chimney

Most roofing contractors recommend annual inspections for the furnace and chimney. Even if your chimney is just for aesthetic, yearly maintenance of the internal flue, furnace and boiler can protect your home from dangerous residual buildup and other health concerns. If you’re not sure whether it’s time to repair or replace, a certified heating system or roof inspector can evaluate to determine a recommended replacement time and spot energy inefficiencies.

Schedule Regular Roof Inspections

Proactive investment in roof inspections will always be safer and more cost-efficient than reacting to damage or leaks after they have occurred, especially in the cold of winter. Roofing damage is not always visible from the exterior. A trustworthy roofing expert can provide a full roof inspection that will tell you if your roof is winter-ready and which parts of your roof could use your attention.

Roofing Experts: At your Service

At Enterprise Roofing, we use our expertise to help our customers prepare for winter, whether you need a roof evaluation, repair or full replacement.  If you are interested in a free roofing consultation or have any questions about our emergency protocol, please contact us today.





We've been " I've been an Enterprise Roofing client for several years. They've always been very responsive with very good pricing. Great workmanship with attention to detail. Site cleanup is excellent, including sweeping the worksite for any missed nails. Followup by reps is included and appreciated. " helping homes like yours for decades and provide " They did a great job on fixing our roof after it took some storm damage. They were out there within a day of me calling. Micah and his team were friendly, professional, and very reliable. The entire process was stress-free. " our customers unsurpassed craftsmanship with " Have been a client for many years. Experts in slate roofs. Very easy to communicate with. Have worked with James many times. Highly recommend this company! " every job.

Click a customer above to see why we are Dayton's mist trusted roofing company.
" I've been an Enterprise Roofing client for several years. They've always been very responsive with very good pricing. Great workmanship with attention to detail. Site cleanup is excellent, including sweeping the worksite for any missed nails. Followup by reps is included and appreciated. "
Paul R. Simmons
" They did a great job on fixing out roof after it took some storm damage. They were out there within a day of me calling. Micah and his team were friendly, professional, and very reliable. The entire process was stress-free. "
Raichel Jenkins
" Have been a client for many years. Experts in slate roofs. Very easy to communicate with. Have worked with James many times. Highly recommend this company!! "
Wayarne Harlan